Cloning and Stem Cell Research

Sorry for my ignorance but what is Aeon Flux? Never heared of it.

I don't think there are a lot "religious" 16 years old. (not that I know anyway)
One of the major problems scientists are having with clones dying off is because there is a preset genetic age marker that is passed on to the clone. Even though the animal will outwardly seem to mature at a normal growth rate, the genetic code plays off of the age of the original animal. This causes shortened longevity until scientists can find a way to reset or remove the age marker.
Wyr, is the "genetic age marker" a real thing, or is he referring to telomeres? I've never heard of telomeres referred to as genetic age markers, but I'll admit, I don't know all that much about biology.

I'm pretty sure "the genetic code plays off the age of the original animal" isn't right, though, since your genetic code doesn't change with age.
I believe he is partially right, as this did present difficulties early on but I think that scientist shave gotten past this.

telemores are present in chromosomes, each time a cell divides the telemore is shortned so that the cell cannot keep dividing which would result in genetically flawed cells.

Any cell taken from an animal will have these shortened telemores, so if you clone it those cells will have shortened telemores...although like I said I believe the cloning process has gotten around this.
I mentioned telomeres - which is what I think he was referring to. These are not genetic markers or part of the genetic code, though. They're attached to the end of your DNA strands and keep the DNA from "unwinding".

On a slightly unrelated note, but on the topic of genetic modification, there's a gene that can be activated in your cells that allows telomeres to regenerate after a cell divides. As I understand it, though, while in theory it would make you live a lot longer, activating it also prevents cancerous cells, which reproduce very rapidly, from dying off like they typically do. Apparently miniature tumors can appear on body at various times, but die off quickly because the gene that allows the telomeres to regenerate isn't active. Activating that gene would make all of these tumors turn into cancer, which last I heard was the major obstacle to research into this method of increasing longevity -- but that was almost 7 years ago, when I was a freshman in high school.

Incidentally, the speaker that talked about this (among other topics) said that the treatement, along with a myriad of other things, would be available in about 5 years. I guess the research hasn't gone quite as well as they had hoped.
That is the usual in nearly everything, people always take a overly optimistic view when talking about their field..whether it is genetics or aironautics.
I did a small bit of research on this just to brush up, while the true source of aging is now known- though telemeres are suspected- there does not seem to be any form of excellerated aging in clones. But there does seem to be some evidence of immune problems in the clones.

While cells to have something called programmed cell death, it works to prevent webbing and gills from being retained through development and does nothing for aging. It is also significant to note, I think, that cloning happens all the time in horticulture, as cloning is easy for plants. You can take a small branch, stick some growth hormones on the end and stick it in the ground and grow a tree. That tree lives out it's entire life cycle as it would if it were planted from seed. So obviously, at least in plants, clones are able to survive and go through an entire normal life cycle. We will have to wait and see about the cloned kitten from Texas A&M and the cloned racing mules from Idaho.
I want them to hurry up.
At 40 and often feel like my body is all used up already. One bum leg, joint pain and stomach that really needs help. Aches and pains everywhere. Not to mention the poisons I've poured thru my veins in my younger dumber years.

I hoping that by the time it's too painful to continue medical science will have a nice new body I can move into.
I've already started saving...

Maybe I can even get some upgrades, like good eyes and a heartier stomach.

Let's get the politicians and religous zealots out of the way and let the scientists do their job. Soon as they have legs and stomach's available I want one.