Cold Sores

Apr 17, 2009
So i wake up about 4:20 in the morning, and go to the bathroom to take a piss. I'm standing there, pissing, and i look up and look into the mirror. And what do i see? A tiny little cold sore sitting proudly on my lip. I run downstairs, get a couple of peices of ice, put them in a baggy and sit down to inspect the damage. (We have mirrors all over the damn house). It's not big yet, but it' looks like it will grow into a nice big one. I find the abreva, slap that on, and for the past 30 minutes, i've been holding ice to my lip.

Do you get them?

Whats your treatment?
he's right.
get's a laugh or two when you walk up to a bunch of random people and whisper
"i have herpes :](pedo-smile not necessary but may be included)"
lol holding ice to your lip will only make it worse, just leave it alone or neosporin it.
Not for me. Holding ice puts it down for me. The important thing is to make sure you don't get it wet. It absorbs water. Abreva works alot better then neosporin.

I'm talking about "it" as if "it's" a person...
yeah..i have to go to school in a bit...i'm trying to keep it so that my partner for science isn't on my lip.:xeyed:
You have Type 1 HSV.

More known to people as herpes labialis.

Probably not, but yea, just use Abreva.
I get canker sores but never Cold Sores.

Just go down on a girl and if she gets herpes down there, You know you have HSV Type 1 and you can totally avoid the fees to get tested.

I was just saying, go down on a girl(if it was me with the cold sores) maybe a guy for him, whatever he digs, and see if they have herpes in up to 30 days. If not, then hes good and just has cold sores.

but your right, he probaby has herpes.
Type 1 = Mouth
Type 2 = Genitals

(They can spread to your own body parts anytime)
Haha yes, no more finger sucking.

I mean mainly the mouth and genitals.

Its better to know if you have it then not know. Just go get tested.

Or do some research on google for pictures of hsv type 1 so you can see if thats indeed what you have, or if its just like a pimple.