Colonoscopy Results, Concerned?


New member
Nov 10, 2011
I am 29 yo male. I had rectal bleeding for about 3 days when I went number 2 over a year ago, and it was suggested I have a colonoscopy. The bleeding has never come back, and I finally got around to having my colonoscopy done today. The test went fine, but I am confused and worried about the results. Here are the findings: digital rectal exam revealede a less than 1 cm (diameter) firm rectal mass palpated 5 to 6 cm from the anal verge. The mass was non-circumferential and located predominately at the anterior bowel wall. Digital rectal exam revealed a less than 1cm (diameter) rubbery textured anal mass palpated 2 to 3 cm from the anal verge. The mass was non-circumferential and located predominately at the right bowel wall. The exam was otherwise normal throughout the examined colon. My question is, they did not do a biopsy during the test. I am supposed to return in 2 weeks. The doctor I think said I will need another procedure to remove one of the masses, but he did not seem concerned, should I be? I didn't really grasp what he was saying too much as I was still recovering from the sedation. Wouldn't they have done a biopsy if there was concern for cancer? Might they just be benign? Thanks.