Combat With Aliens


Apr 5, 2008
I think this is the right place to post this.

Ok, So lets say we encounter a alien race, completely identical to our race, the only change is that they're planet has a higher gravity. If they came to earth and say had a boxing competition with our top fighters would you say it would be unfair as they would be able to use alot more strength because of their training on a heavier planet?
Their balance would be haywire and boxing is not about pure strength it is timing and distancing. My money would be on captain Kirk.

regards koyo
Umm ... moved to Off Topic.

The aliens would start to suffer bone mass loss due to the reduced gravity of Earth. So a puny human right hook would smash their bones to dust
Minowa said he often thought about fighting aliens and was curious about whether a leg lock would work on a nonhuman 'leg'.

Personally I think the aliens you describe would be pretty similar to Bob Sapp, so they would definitely be beatable.
this is irrelevant. If they come here it means they have mastered interstellar travel, we wouldn't have an aid workers chance in Gaza.
If they are stupid enough to come here they deserve to get their butts kicked.

regards koyo
A higher gravity would likely cause shorter body structures. So it would just be a matter of staying outside their much shorter reach and picking them apart.
The reduced gravity would have their techniques going faster than a hummingbird on real strong epinephrine, the human fighter would need good timing to smash the alien's face in with a frickin hard punch.
Good luck with trying to land a punch on a hyper-intelligent shade of the colour blue.
Very evasive fighters your Hooloovoos.

no you didn't!

you can't let that out! normal people aren't ready for it!

oh yes i did.

and i'd follow the joke through if i actually remembered the ridiculous names their techniques had.