Conservative T & T- Debate Night Round #2 - Oct 18,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
WARNING: Some language and topics may not be suitable for children. This is a late-night show and some topics may be intended for adult audiences only. Listener discretion is advised!! Tonight on the show: We return to talk about debate night number two, and boy did it turn out to be a good one. This was more like a boxing match than a Presidential debate, and the moderator threw her two cents in as if it even mattered. Who won debate number two? You may be surprised with my answer! Also, during the debate near the end, a gentleman asked a question about the attacks in Libya. He did not get a straight answer from the President and the answer from Gov. Romney was less than decent in my opinion, so did this man get the answer he was looking for AFTER the debate was over? Why did Crowley stick her nose into the debate at this point to try to save the President when she had to admit later that she was wrong? All of this and more tonight on Conservative T & T!Presidential Debate | Politics | Fidelis Radio Network | Candy Crowley | Conservative T and T
