Conservative that don't believe in evolution, how do you argues facts such as:?


New member
Aug 3, 2011
-We have 98% DNA in common with primate and that get less and less the farther back we go on the Evolutionary tree
- We still have a tail bone
- we still get goosebumps
- all 42 ways of dating the earth date it to be about 4.5 Billion years old
- The law of adaption
- The law of variation
- We have useless organs that we don't need
- and other scientific facts that point to evolution
How do you argue these facts?
Except for a few, these answers demonstrate the anti intellectual mantra that we have to deal with. If they had read any biological textbook they would not need a source for us having 98% DNA in common with chimpanzees as this is a well known scientific fact. Comments such as "it is just a theory" are just as ignorant, as Gravity is also just a 'theory'. Unfortunately we live in an era where it is acceptable to some to deny science and yet they still go to doctors and use science (computers). It is correct that not all conservatives deny science, but they happily sit back and accept the rantings of the ignorant, I never hear them ridicule their own candidates in elections who brazenly promote creationism as an alternative to evolution.
Last time I checked, many Liberals don't believe in evolution either so your theory already stands flawed.
Creationist believe the bible account in genesis is literally true, even while a many scriptures are clearly meant to be interpreted as metaphoric parables.

The fall from grace may be true in the metaphorical sense, but the interpret genesis literally is to ignore the spirit of the message.
What makes you think people that want a balanced budget and a fiscally responsible government do not believe in evolution.

Your prejudice is showing.
You're getting your news about conservative beliefs from liberal sources. Nearly everyone believes in evolution as your describing it. What we want to challenge people on is the mentality that somehow human beings are the only things in millions of years of life on this planet that ever "evolved" to a level of self awareness. This isn't just random. If it was it would have happened more then just once in the history of life on this planet. This one in countless trillions occurrence is more then just an evolutionary step. It's the action of a creator.

Gab the Full of Himself-
I know one in a trillion when it happens one time in a trillion life forms. Thanx for ignoring what everyone else sees.
Humans share 50% DNA with Bananas.
Does that make us 1/2 banana?

Why, if we come from apes, are humans presently building bridges, performing open-heart surgery and flying planes while our closest "relatives" are swinging from trees, picking fleas off each other and tossing feces?
What does the theory of evolution have to do with the age of the earth. Something you might consider is that nature rarely gives a species more than it needs to survive, If evolution is correct we should not be much more that a chimpanzee, yet we are so much more than the creatures you consider our nearest relatives. Why would we get so lucky, other species were here far longer and never attained intelligence.
If either the laws of adaptation or variation are correct the fossil record ought to be full of failed intermediate species, it isn't.
Scientific facts can point to a lot of things, don't assume evolution is the end point.
Not to mention a sh*t-ton of fossils. (there is no missing link, we have a lot of transitional stages).
And even if there were a gap, one gap among a pile of hundreds of transitional fossils does not debunk anything.

@King Hippo: You obviously understand nothing about the mathematics behind "randomness."
-I am majoring in statistics so I understand it pretty damn well.