Considering hibernation


Apr 6, 2008
It's that time of year people, it's getting dark early, it's cold and I am thinking hibernation is the way forward. My big winter duvet and hot chocolate are calling. I need convincing that I shouldn't hibernate.

How would you keep yourselves occupied during hibernation? You are allowed 2 items and 1 reason I shouldn't hibernate!

And awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww look at the little hazel doormouse.
Surely the way to keep yourself occupied during hibernation is 'sleep'? Otherwise, it's not really hibernation, is it? It's just 'staying indoors and keeping warm'?
Portable multi-region blu ray player with at least 100 blu ray and DVDs (counts as one that does) and Cheryl Cole.

Reasons for why you shouldn't? You'd die as we're not built for hibernation. Having said that on a repeat of QI on the channel named after me (Dave not Chimpcheng), there was a part in it where they discussed human hibernation -a village in France or Russia (they're pretty much the same place) would essentially shut down with the population bedding down for a few months. Apparently they could lower their metabolic rate and hence not die as they 'hibernated'.

Currently there are research projects looking into "induced hibernation" in humans. We could 'shut' people down (suspended animation stylee) if they are seriously ill or send people on deep space missions like in the end of 'Aliens'. Sadly, the latter leaves us wide open to further attacks from xenomorphs!!!
Ok then I am going to "stay in and keep warm" till March. I have my lovely sheepskin shoes on, big robe, winter duvet and tea
You know she has to put on a bit of weight to hibernate?

YouTube - shakira funny video - стёбный клип
is "shakira's" skirt gaffa taped on haha

and topher if you choose shakira and a bed your hardly gonna be sleeping/hibernating haha!

it may sound strange but in my head it kinda works doubt id sleep all the time though;
i would take -
a 4kg medicine ball
a chicken

my logic was i can keep occupied doing a variety of excersises with the medicine ball, even chase the chicken like in rocky haha and wen im hungry i can wait for it to lay eggs keep them warm till they hatch then kill (as humanly as i can) the chicken for dinner and the chicks that hatch grow up, its dinner again or i can eat em early as eggs.

if its only for a few months then id take a really big and interesting book and my medicine ball ill name it like tom hanks in castaway did to wilson but call it - BE BE (BBE Britannia boxing)!!!!
That is quite disturbing.....who in their right mind would take a medicine ball to sleep with?
what and its normal that someone would take a chicken haha, dont know what you do with chickens in london then m8 lol nah im just messing with you.

like i said for exercise keep ma strength up and the chicken gives me some sustenance