cool story bro ;)


New member
Apr 29, 2008
What the feck is it with every single bloody ihav-ian commenting on every single bloody thread the ignorant 'cool story bro' or a tacky picture implying similar?

And before you all, like headless, acne-ridden chicken, fill this thread with 'cool story bro'..... :mad:
it's because people see a meme or what ever else one of the chans has produced and gone "HAHAHAH LOLZOLZ if I do this on the forum I go to ppl will tink I'm soooo cool!!11!". Problem is hundreds of people saw it on the chans so they all come post it here, then idiots here copy to fit in, that's right fit in online. Then it gets worse and worse until someone turns around and says "...not funny" and they look for something new.
Because people think this is 4chan or whatever chan and getting to excited over the internet is my guess.
Cool story bro ;)

I've never actually said or posted that anywhere before. You made me lose my virginity :teeth:
Because people insist on posting stupid threads like this and expect serious answers.
because theyre all gay and think theyre "cool" on a internet forum, sad i know but thats what happens
I would support an insta-ban on anybody who does it, especially if it is somewhere that doesn't make sense, like an OP asking a question, or somewhere inappropriate, like H&R or D&D. :facepalm:
umm... :confused:
