Correction: Atheism =/=Lack of religion.?


May 14, 2008
Atheism in it's basic is a belief there is not god(s) therefore in the most traditional understanding of atheism some religions are Atheistic. ie Buddhism.

Would you agree? Why or why not?
CC you are mistaken. That is exactly what I just said.
Omni - i think there is a danger in saying "we" i am atheist and regard it as a religion, others fit the webster definition also and beleive in afterlife, there's also christian atheism, jewish atheism, and other mainstream "Atheisms" out there that don't follow your path exactly. Don't get caught up in your own dogma ;)
reay science =/=atheism
You are mistaken.

Atheism is exactly a lack of beliefs in god/s.

One does not need to claim that god/s do not exist to be an atheist. All one has to do is to not have any beliefs in them.
Atheism is a lack of belief in a god, but not necessarily a lack of belief in magical phenomenon. Some versions of Buddhism are atheistic, and also many neopagans are spiritual but atheistic. I would find it silly to not believe in deities but believe I had magic powers, but then again I find a lot of things very silly.

You could even be a nonspiritual theist. If they arrive at their belief in a creator by buying into intelligent design but do not feel or hear a spiritual presence then are they really spiritual? Back in the day, before Darwin, intelligent design was the only hypothesis around and many of America's founding fathers were Deists. Deists believed God created the world but does not regularly interact with the world and they believed in the power of logic and science as much as any atheist alive today. Deism is a nearly extinct philosophy because of the failure of intelligent design.
No bonehead. It is a NON-belief or lack of a belief in any and all gods. It is NOT a belief.

Man you're thick.