Could Britain defend itself against a US invasion?


May 26, 2008
Im not talking about invasion of fast food or hollywood. Im talking about a military invasion.

Just Imagine the US president and his chief of staff went mad one day and said "I think we'll invade England today, it has nice autumnal rains and fish and chips"

So just imagine the US sends over their full military might and the mission goal is to make her Majesties government in London surrender and occupy the whole of the UK like they did to Iraq.

The British goal could be to stop the US invasion, like they did with operation sea-lion.

Do you think Britain could defend itself against the worlds sole superpower?

After all the military history of Britain speaks for itself as whoever as dared to toy with this subtle little country with its land of cricket lovers and warm beer and unpredictable summers has ended up losing big time. To mention a few:

The Spanish Armada
Operation Sea lion
The Soviet Threat

Or do you think the unstoppable leviathan that is uncle sam can capture the land that once gave birth to inventions like Electricity and the motor engine and succeed in capturing the UK.

(Im talking without nuclear friends and without getting anyone else involved like them Irish or the French)