Could I be a lesbian?


New member
Nov 4, 2011
So I guess this starts about 6 or 7 years ago when I discovered Angelina Jolie. I was 13ish at the time and became COMPLETELY obsessed with her, still am actually. Even then I knew my obsession was not so straight, if ya know what I mean. Anyway, I have never had a real boyfriend because the very thought of a relationship with a guy annoys me. I hate that they always call/text/berate you with questions. However, I very much enjoy sex with men. I’ve never spent the night with one though and I absolutely loathe cuddling. I was never really a touchy person I guess.

Recently I started reading fanfiction and I came across a femslash story and all of a sudden I find that I spend a good portion of my free time reading femslash stories and I guess I had a sort of an epiphany. I might be gay! I mean no one who likes reading about girl/girl can be completely straight right? As for porn, I don’t really get off to girl/girl but that might be because it seems so fake. Also, whenever I see a lesbian couple I am watching them so closely, not really sure why but I do, and I feel kinda pervy. Ha

I don’t really know what to do with this. Or if im even gay, or bi..whatever. Look this wouldn’t be a problem except that my dad is a pastor of a Christian church. I haven’t gone since I turned 18 because I don’t believe in the crap that is shoved down everyone’s throats, but still this information would kill him. I never really liked my dad to begin with so I don’t care, but my brothers and mother would probably hate me to. I just want to know if anyone else faced a similar situation and what they did about it.
Your not a lesbian hun, lesbians sleep with women and only women, now you may be bicurious, its cool, but not lesbian, if you feel you need to search further google, alot of good information, and decide if thats what you choose, but dnt feel you must be lesbian because of angelina, nor because dating a guy makes you nausious, it will all come together, no worries
your not gay your curious have sex with a girl and then you'll get over it
exactly what nikki said btw i hate cuddling too(except when im sick then i want to be taken care of lol)