Could the Josef Fritzl celler kidnapper case have been a Fraud?


May 26, 2008
No I am not mentally ill, sometimes you just have to approach somethings with an open mind.

Just like the Shannon Matthews case in England which the women and her boyfriend faked her daughters kidnapping.

Is it possible that Josef Fritzl and his daughter made all this up? Maybe for money and publicity?

It seems really fishy as to why she has no knowledge about his activities or even the neighbours?

Finally what evidence do we have apart from her daughters testimony about the fact that she was locked up in a cellar for 24 yrs? I mean in all possibility the children could have been planned between themselves?

Maybe they done it for money or fame? Besides the man is like 73 yrs old probably be dead soon, and his daughter gets like millions of reichmarks if she sold her story?

Think about-
I watched a documentary on that, and no, they could not have been faking.
She looks like an old lady now.
She got that way from being locked in a basement for 24 years.