Could this be a miscarriage?


May 15, 2008
I just got my period earlier this morning (right on time, not late or anything), and I had fairly bad cramps, but I took a few advil and they went away. The flow seems normal, its not any heavier than it usually is. I just went to change my tampon and something fell out after I took it out. I picked it up with tissue, it was pretty bloody but it looked like it was a gray-red coloring. I messed with it a little, it was kind of rubbery and fairly easy to stretch. I'm concerned because I've heard that something similar can be discharged if you've had a miscarriage, but I've also heard that it can just be uterine lining shedding. I'm 22 and this has never happened before, my periods have never been what some would call "chunky". Any insight would be really appreciated, thanks!