could this be the baldest lie in iraq war history?

Feb 20, 2008
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"Fighting erupts in Baghdad after week of calm"

That's a yahoo headline on april 6, 2008. For the last three weeks there have been constant mortar attacks even in the green zone.

But this headline must be talking about another parallel universe.

Tired of the lies yet?
sorry squeaky, last weeks news was about a constant barrage of mortar and sniper attacks so intense that all personnel in the green zone was ordered to stay in armor or indoor.

I'm looking right at the stories right this minute.

It sounds like you are the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

And understand this: the story came over the reuter's wire, but the headlines get written to fit the sound bite of the day right at Yahoo...

I assure you they will change this headline once a hundred or more people take note of the deiscrepancy...
In fact, ten minutes after posting this preposterous headline, they changed it and half of the body of text underneath it!