Could you kill someone?

idiot implying that they don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure they know that they could kill the bad guy, but i'm telling you that not everyone has the ability to do it. They aren't strong enough to kill. I don't blame anyone who says that there is no way on this planet they could ever take a life no matter what. I don't understand it completely but i do understand their point of view.

edit: thanks spartan for your quality post. now gtfo please.
I'm assuming all the people saying they'd kill someone are the same people claiming to be ultimate fighters in the thread about why everyone thinks they can fight.

You have to actually be in a position to kill somebody to know if you would or not. ;)
they are just as important as the stone cold killers. Our species is sucessful on the balance between knowlege and power. Too much on one side could be devastating. Not so much now, since we are top of the food chain but anywhere back in our evolution.

qft generaltsao. very few people here know what its like to take a life...this is a thread asking if you think you could. No one is going to know how it would affect them in a situation like that.
that would be her but does that make sense to you? An aligator is able to kill us way faster and better than we could (in a natural sense) But we are smarter than aligators. Lets say we have thinkers (not willing to kill) and killers. Some of the smartest people were against killing in every sense. Albert Einstein hated the idea of turning his forumla into a weapon. But we need both in society. Killers and non killers. idk its really hard to explain. But I do understand your point of view. Thanks for your insight.
Would it be different killing a male or a female? For those of you who said they could kill someone.
with what i am wanting to do in the military i know it will come to that some day and i like to think i will be able to do it when i need to.(im a medic but i want to go to ranger school then to sf selection)

other than that it would probably have to be a possible life or death situation,like someone breaking into my house.i keep a .40 cal by my bed for that.also i would for family depending on the situation

edit:i just remembered i had a dream about that a while back.someone had broken into the house and i was the only one home.i grabbed my gun and moved through the house then he came at me and after fighting over the gun for a bit i shot him twice in the head.kinda wierd lol
If they're threatening me or family in anyway, it wouldn't matter if he was a retard.
If someone pointed a gun at me and said, "i will kill you unless you kill someone within a week" i couldn't do it. why should i survive instead of anyone else. I really couldn't kill someone unless there are extreme circumstances that any benevolent person would opt to kill the person.
The thing is, how many of you have even killed someone or been in a position to kill someone? Even had your life in danger? Probably none of you.

It's easy to say something on the computer where you can be a 6'5 350lb serial killing millionaire.
yea i've had dreams where I was at school and we had a lock down and I went out and shot the guys who threatend my girl..

no generaltsao, I have had near death experiences but none that could be solved or fixed by killing someone. I think I could kill someone if It came down to it, but i'll never know and I would be happy to never know if I actually could.
does that bother you at all? I'm not judging i just want to know what you think about that...