Craziest Thing in school i could do?

The name of the thread is "Craziest thing in school i could do?" you can't back off when he suggests something crazy.

One of the craziest things to do would be to strap a bomb to yourself and start screaming things about the second coming of Christ. Then, when people start gathering around to gawk at your incredible preaching abilities, blow yourself up.

Wait, better yet, keep everything i said before, but before you get to school, kidnap a child (preferably kindergarten or first grade). Bring him with you and make sure you tell him what will happen if he tries to get away (you'll kill his/her parents). Continue with what i said before, but in the middle of your preaching, grab the kid by the neck and rip his throat out, and start making love to the hole you just ripped as he bleeds to death. When teachers try to stop you, blow everyone up, including yourself.

By the way, if you decide to try this, don't hold me accountable. I'm not endorsing this type of behavior, I'm just saying that is one crazy thing to do!
how horrible would it be if he listened to all the BAMF's that said "kill" and then the police searched his computer and saw this thread and held those kids accountable.

be careful what you post kiddies.
Just like how musicians who allegedly inspire kids to shoot up their schools all get legally held accountable :crash:
take a bunch of clocks and put them in your bookbag(the kind that make noise) hang a bunch of wires out of your book bag... drop your bag in the middle of the hallway and run off screaming.... or put used condoms on random doorknobs
get some Hershey's and smear it all over your pants, and whenever someone says you have someone on your butt just act like they're a liar and you won't believe them.
Draw giant :dodgy:'s all over the school, putting a number at the bottom.
Skip a few numbers. (example; 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11)

Everyone will look for the missing :dodgy:'s for a long while

EDIT: If your school has a network, set the homepage to 2girls1cup
Wait until lunch period...
go up in the middle of the period and flick the lights on and off...
wait until you have everyones attention...
shoot yourself in the head...
No one will ever forget that.
Tape road flares to your chest with a wire coming from under them connected to some hand held object with a button on it.
I rofl'd. That wasn't even funny, it was just your average ST semi funny-ness, but i rofl'd.
i went streaking threw our pep-rally and got a $500 ticket, 1 week out-school-suspention, and 1 week in-school-suspention
drop a dukey in the urinal. i peed in a sink at school and ppl are like ur badass. lmao i was in 5th grade.