Craziest Thing in school i could do?

Its obvious what you should do:dodgy: .

For my suggestion, you should let loose all sorts of random animals throughout the school. Dogs, rabbits, pigs, anything you can get in there.

And fish. Put fish everywhere, even in lockers and vents.

edit or if your school has scrolling announcements upload 2 girls 1 cup on to there and make the whole school watch.
this is what we didt at my school get 3 pigs and number them 1 2 and 4 so they think there is a 3rd one somewhere its awesome or put penneys over the lock thing wear you put the keys in
thats awesome. u must of been the popular kid in school. now let me come over and take a shit in your bed and let u clean it up. Sucks wouldnt it.

so is this a senior prank? Im done with college so i dont have to worry prank?
best movie eva

shit in urinal, then write name with it on walls.

wile other people are in the bathroom with you, slip while peeing and dont stop, just act like ur peeing uncontroalby.


stink bombs.

hook up with 5 girls at a time, go out with a blast!
toke up a bong in your locker section at the end of the day. if you get busted youre high and a badass, if not then you are just high. its a win win
yeah pissing in random places is great.

stairwells where most people have to walk through are a good bet.

do it while in class, ask to go to for a "bathroom break"
i threw a couple desks over a balcony. they broke and that was it, i was hoping for a "liek omg totally osum reeakshun!!11!" but no one gave a shit and i almost got expelled for destroying "$250" worth of school property, even though those piece of shit desks were prolly worth about 20 a piece.
Anal rape a teacher/jailbait/principals daughter/etc. on principals desk in front of cameras connected to all tvs in school.