Crocodiles on the River Bank - Sep 17,2012


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Tonight as we begin the Fall season of the voice of the Kala Nation,we will expose race traitors and self exaulted dictators bloodsucking our beautiful community.It appears I was correct all along.We have no one looking out for us,never have never will under this system.Will there be a upheaval and violence in Black America to overturn the overseaers and oligarchs exploiting our misery?It seems likely.As Chicago,Detroit,St Louis,Philadelphia,New York become genocidal killing fields more of our so called leaders are profiting and self promoting. This is not even half the story.As a full scaled race war in America is looming,not one word about voter suppression from the so called conscious coonmunity.This is about Obama AND IT IS NOT ABOUT OBAMA!!!!!!!THEY ARE AFTER US!Tonight a fire and brimstone sermon by the KalagenesisBarack Obama crime | black on black violence | economy unemployment | self hate and destruction | hate groups
