Cunning, plotting rapists and pedophiles

Oh, my temper burns white hot, I just have a longer fuse that most people.
I have a kind of dry sense of humor sarcastic and all that, gee there are so many different people around, i don't care its all good, its what makes the world go round.
The middle east? Most of the links posted were about a particular naming and shaming campaign in the UK that saw innocent people being terrorised and forced out of their homes. It was a particularly vicious vigilante mob responding to a now de-funked national news papers selfish desire to generate more unit sales. It was a campaign that literally tore a community apart and saw innocent people losing their jobs, their homes and in a few cases their lives as they were beaten to death in drawn out, protracted and brutal attacks.

Of course acknowledging that fact would basically scupper your campaign. So you'd rather ignore it. We can't have the facts kicking your soapbox out from under you can we?

It's not the ban on naming dangerous criminals that is causing the problem. It's the fact they are left to roam the streets. If they're a danger to society they should be locked up. Simple as that. That is the primary function of a prison.

Frankly your campaign is misguided. Even if you do get this law repealed. Australia is big place. It's very easy to disappear off the map in a country as big as Australia. Kids will go missing. They'll be taken to very out of the way locations with no prospect of being found until it's too late. Which means all your efforts will have been for nothing.

Better sentencing policy would be a more effective campaign goal. Better coordination between government agencies would also be a more effective campaign goal. Maybe then you wouldn't have the prison authority renting houses for paedophiles next door to a school.

This isn't something you can make better by purely expressing your outrage and anger alone.
I get the impression she meant that the quality of parenting is variable and that some parenting is very very poor an indicative of some pretty unpleasant traits, hence the comment that it might not be, by default, anything honorable or any great achievement.
Yes i agree they should be locked up for good but if that is not going to happen i would feel much better knowing where they are, nothing is perfect but doing nothing because of what might happen is hardly a solution either.
Yup. That is what I meant.

Gshambrooke may be a great parent. Especially given the environment he grew up in, he will not want to treat his own child that way.
Hence the reason why your campaign should be for better sentencing and better coordination between agencies.
I don't think anyone disputed what Blade said, I think it was more conformation of her statement.
The campaign that you speak of has been argued much longer then name them shame them, so we move on to a different tactic.
My only question, is where was such cunning logic when discussing the merits of the DP on this thread?

Unfortunately, the quoted statement above gave rise to this comment:I find the only *flaw* with the above scenario, to be with making these prisons "nice enough." Instead, I propose making the living conditions as scant as possible, with hopes that the suicide rate would be astronomical.

Another observation made by our friend, smitty:Well, since LBR has adequately illustrated how "naming & shaming" can be problematic, the use of such tactics should be questioned by any rational individual. Nonetheless, a simple internet vendetta is something within the grasp of the "common man" to do in retaliation to the lack of adequate sentencing. IMO, it's not the NAMING part that is particularly dangerous (this is the information age, after all), but rather the SHAMING aspect of this tactic which is most likely the culprit for mob mentality getting out of control. Take note that the mapping tools, as cited by use in the state of California, seem to work well in informing people of the whereabouts of these scoundrels, without it resulting in chaotic chase scenes (akin to those found in Shelly's classic: Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus).

And lastly, I tip my hat to Blade96. (for providing us all with much needed comic relief, per post #51 - MEOW!)
Most pedophiles in America who go to prison never make it out alive. We have sex offender laws that require sex offenders to register with local police. Some areas they are required to notify neighbors, some areas they aren't. I think they should have their pictures put on billboards as close to their homes as possible.
Human test subjects for some of the more exotic experiments? (sounds good but legal probs unfortuately )
Forced labour?
That would at least make use of those that are to be removed from society for good and recoup some of the costs of housing them in prisons.
I still support the idea of shipping them to Mars on a one-way ticket, with the materials required for a colony. If they work hard enough, then we get a permanent presence on another planet and have made a big step to spreading through the solar system - if they don't we just try again with the next batch.