Customer service horror stories

Ok, Harkers tried to call me, no message was left so I rang back. They told me they called to arrange delivery of my new chairs but because I didn't pick up they can't deliver tomorrow...

First off, how about a bit of notice? I can't just take the next day off work at less than 24 hours notice... Also, grrrrrrr!!!
OMG!!! Spent a good 40 minutes trying to get through to someone at Harkers. It would ring and ring and ring before returning to the options and then ring and ring and ring. No hold music, nothing, just ringing.

Eventually got through and I was told that the best they could do is a 12 hour delivery window this Thursday, so yet another day off work.

People, don't ever order from Harvey's Furniture. Save your mind and shop elsewhere!
All I want are chairs which allow me to sit... Is that too much to ask? I ordered end if July/start of August...

Don't buy from Harvey's...
Why is the model not included? Does the advert stipulate this? I was flicking through the Argos catalogue and on some iPod speaker pictures they said "iPod and iPhone Not Included". If that giant cushion doesn't say "Model Not Included" then you should expect a model... It's law!
Okay. Some time ago Interflora pulled a fast one on me as I attempted to have flowers sent to my then girlfriend (now wife) who was in China over Chinese Valentine's Day, their excuse was that the order was sent to the wrong office (Hong Kong instead of Guangzhou) and by the time they found out they couldn't do my order.

So I sourced a different place and found one that was reliable and pretty much did what they said they'd do on their website (deliver a cake and flowers). However, that same website has just let me down on Mother's Day just gone.

After placing an order for a cake for my mother-in-law, they emailed me the next day and said they needed to substitute the cake as they no longer made it. Fair enough, I thought, no big deal, a cake is a cake is a cake. Anyway, on Mother's Day they tried calling me (neglecting to recognise that there is a time difference) and left a message in Mandarin (I don't speak Mandarin), they also sent an email in Chinese (I don't read too much Chinese). However, the just of the messages was that they were going to be late in deliver and were going to refund me US$30. Sweet, the cake was US$65. Sadly, that was just the start of it...

The delivery window was between 9am and 6pm, but at around 7pm they rang my mother-in-law to say that they will be late, but she was out for a meal with her family. She asked if they could re-deliver at 9pm and they agreed. I woke up to an email confirming successful delivery, unfortunately it was a lie. It turned out that the driver forgot he had to deliver the cake and didn't remember till 11pm that day and accused my mother-in-law of refusing delivery and shouted and slammed down the phone on her.

Calling them up, my wife managed to get a full refund and then demanded a new cake and flowers by way of apology. She argued that we would have to wait a full year for Mother's Day to come round again and that her mum waited all day and was then abused by an angry delivery driver (apparently "new") trying to save his own neck...

My mother-in-law received a cake, a card, flowers and a note of apology from the company yesterday...
I was just traumatized listening to country music hold music calling my pharmacy to get information on the bacteria count of a probiotic drug they carry. This might seem mild as far as customer service nightmares go, but I have an atypical hatred for anything country music related growing up in farm country and being victim to one too many attacks from redneck adolescents. I hear the rumble of a truck engine, that twangy crap blaring over it, a few yips and yeehaws from the occupants, and my netherhole cinches closed. I immediately begin looking around for the nearest lynching victim, wondering if it's me.

Also, the bulk of prescription drugs in America are psychotropic. I'm sure it's very therapeutic for all those depressed patients who let their antidepressants run dry to listen to songs about broken trucks, girlfriends leaving someone, and dogs dying. I'm not depressed, and after about twenty seconds of that, I was looking for an appropriately high window.
I feel your pain man! It's soul destroying waiting on hold, wondering if that person is ever coming back, meanwhile you have the Muzak version of popular tunes playing. Either that or some mind numbing ditty designed to make you hang up. Grrrrr!
Being a chaste fellow I'm sure I have no idea to what you are referring to...

Speaking of customer services, does anyone complain? I mean pretty much have it put with supervisors/management on the phone, in person, letter or email? Or do you do a scathing online review?
Myprotein might have to come on to this list... Usually no issues with them but they ignored 2 of my tickets submitted and sent me a generic answer to something else, (they provided me with a wrong tracking number) they also gave me the wrong dispatch date, when I called about the dispatch and the tracking they made up some crap about changing their system then promising me it will be dispatched on the 21st and I will be bale to track after 8pm, they also said this on Saturday... Still hasn't happened yet. Lets see if I do get it soon...
They're currently getting slated on another forum I post on for similar things - mucking up orders, not responding to complaints/inquiries and not dispatching things when they say they will.
I'm going to be upset! Very upset, I'm extremely low on whey, have no more omega 3's and enough vits to last me today! I also need my ZMA'S!

Edit: Speak of the devils... My order just arrived!
No... I meant the amount of protein, for example an egg 10 grams of protein. A piece of wholemeal bread 4grams, a pint of milk 15 grams, a chicken breast 25 grams or so. I don't physically measure anything but I have an idea of how much protein I want.