Dane Cook Is a Classless Hack.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
Just when I thought I couldn't dislike Lame Crook more, for being a joke stealer, he goes and makes jokes about the Dark Knight Massacre.

I'll be the first to say that you should be able to poke fun at anything, what he said was just tasteless and not funny at all.


I can't decide if it would be better to launch his butt to outer space or drill deep into the Earth's core and sparta kick him into the hole.
"If you wanna be offensive, be funny." Fair point, I thought. Bad taste jokes are funny to me, more often than not (Not always proud of that but I'm not sure you can help your sense of humour.) But yeah..

I also find it difficult to believe the film is bad enough to want to be shot, since everyone I've heard review it is raving about it. If the film got poor reviews the joke would at least be funny, as it is it's just incorrect :p
I hate it when people say something along the lines of 'I think you should be able to poke fun at anything' and then follow it up by complaining about someone poking fun at something.

He was trying to be funny, whether you found it funny or not is irrelevent. Obviously audience members found it funny as you can hear them laughing. Just because you didn't doesn't mean he shouldn't say it.

I think this video sums it up nicely, Patrice O'neal was a great comic who died about a year ago from diabities. The video is a discussion on exactly this argument. I agree with Patrice in that comedians should be allowed to try and be funny. It's obvious to everyone comics don't say offensive things to upset or hurt people.

Patrice Oneal schools brawd on funny - YouTube

Edit: The new batman film is overated, it's an average action film.
The opposite probably wouldn't have been any better, e.g. this film is so good that people are literally dying to see it. I'll get me coat....
You can also hear a lot of them groaning. But I should have been more clear in that I am not contesting his right to poke fun at it. Just that he should be more tactful and more importantly funny about it.

I agree with this. Hacks like Lame Crook, say offensive things to appear edgy and cool. Geniuses like Carlin say offensive things because it's part of a larger social observation and philosophy.
You just admitted that some of the audience were laughing, then you said he should be funny about it. So to some people he is funny, can you understand that your perspective doesn't hold a monopoly on reality or truth?

Some people found it funny so using your premise that you should be funny if telling 'edgy' jokes, we can say that the joke he told was fine.
I think your joke where you change his first name from Dane to Lame is a bad joke, however I understand that some people out there find it funny.
Ok so Dane Cook is a hack but Carlin is a genius, why? because his jokes fits your political views better.

Wouldn't it be better to try to lighten up the tragedy with humor people do that all the time to smooth over the grief, I don't know about you but I like to laugh it's much better than crying. you choose.
Some people think Molson Canadian is a good beer. Some people think that Mitt Romney is a good candidate. Some people think a lot of things, it doesn't mean that they are right.

I don't think it's good enough for comedians to tell pointless jokes that "some" people find funny. What was the point of the joke? That TDKR sucked? I haven't seen it yet but who cares if it did.

Daniel Tosh recently got into trouble when he said that "all rape jokes are funny." I didn't hear the incident (and the joke) because it wasn't recorded. But it seamed to me that he was trying to make a greater point than saying that new movie sucked.
Ok so I you tubed that Carlin idiot, you call that humor. After 5 minutes of that I wanted to shoot myself! What a depressing act, people actually go through life with that attitude, I wouldn't pay five cents for that bums show.
No, because Carlin's jokes are part of a bigger message, while Cook's material is bland and generic.

Me too but the jokes have to be funny for me to laugh. I watched the daily show the week of 9/11. It was hilarious. This afternoon, before i even saw the Cook video, I was watching a video of CK Louis making a joke about jerkin the gerkin while the in between the planes hitting the towers. It was also a hilarious bit.
I agree with this, to a point, in that if it's done WELL. Any jackarse can take a cheap shot at a situation like this. Thats not comedy.

We've mentioned Carlin. I personally don't find him particularly funny but I DO appreciate how intelligent his humor is, and how topical it can be. Dane Cook has never made an intelligent joke and I doubt he will because it's just easier to go for shock and awe. Don't forget, sometimes people laugh out of shock rather than humor. Sometimes people laugh in disbelief rather than in response to comedic triggers.

I'm all for lightening the severity of a situation like the shooting in Aurora but lets not forget, just because we CAN say something doesnt mean we SHOULD. And in a situation like this that has to be the yardstick by which we measure our actions. And, if we DO decide to take on this topic, we should take pains to be funny, yet be respectful. We don't need to sacrifice integrity or sympathy for the cheap, low-brow giggle.
Haha now that was funny! No just feeling a little dark at the moment, however the glass of wine and intelligent conversation should remedy that.
Not for nothing, but I didn't think that joke from Dane Cook was funny either, way to close to the event. As far as comic's go Dane Cook or George Carlin don't even register on my quaililameter.
Dane Cooks funny in the same way that Jason Statham is a good actor. They are the easy listening of their respective professions. If you want to be challenged then go to a Doug Stanhope show. The joke was obvious and horribly derivative. It's been make a million times on a thousand subjects.

The Bear.