Dean Koontz's Strangers vs. Stephen King's It?


New member
Sep 11, 2009
So, I've read It before, and it's one of my favorite novels. And I've had Dean Koontz recommended to me as being an author that fans of Stephen King will enjoy. So I was looking for some of Dean Koontz's most popular novels, and Strangers came up a lot on those lists.

Keep in mind I've only read vague summaries of Strangers, so it's possible I'm way off base.

I'm seeing two horror novels released in 1986 featuring six people who return to a place from their past where they each encountered an extraterrestrial life form. Based on the vague summaries I've seen of Strangers, and based on having read Stephen King's It three times, this seems like a fair, if generalized, summary for both novels.

Obviously neither one copied the other, them being released in the same year, but it does strike me as a pretty interesting coincidence.

I guess I'm just wondering if they are similar books overall, or if I'm just overgeneralizing based on too little information.