Dear Atheists.... If religion was not invented by man, will it mean that man

Mar 1, 2009
will remain savage beast? Religion in fact had been a tool for man to explain how things came about.. at least at his perspective during those times.

Man has tried to explain things around him with what his mind could grasp.. but since his knowledge was yet so limited, he could only conclude for an easier explanation, that a god did it all.

Luckily for us we have the tools and unlimited resources to go beyond that.

I do not believe in a god too, but, Shouldn't we be thankful that someone has triggered us to dig deeper, rather that bashing them?
What you are explaining is actually how religion has hampered human progress, by providing pat, nonsensical "answers" and then forbidding exploration of the real explanation

If people accepted that "god did it" was the answer, we'd still be grovelling around in caves wearing animal skins (and not just at the weekend)