Death Of a Salesman by Arthur Miller-Eassy Introduction help?

Mar 12, 2008
I need to write an essay about Death Of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. The essay has to be about how Biff Lowman is a victim of fate or free will. I need help with the introduction paragraph. I can do the body paragraphs. I just need help with the introduction and the thesis statement. Thank you. Best answers to the most helpful person.My topic are: Not going to summer school (free will), stealing (free will) and I need to think of an example that show that Biff is a victim of fate. Help with the last one please!
sparknotes.comi remember that book. if i remember correctly, he was a victim of fate b/c he set himself up to be that way. he didn't rly try to get out of the rut that he got himself in (being a salesman)
well fate would be catching his dad cheatingand i hate that movie it is the most frustrating thingi like wanted the dad to die the whole timei mean like he was freaking crazyyy