Did Christianity originate in Judaism?


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Jesus told the official leaders of the Jewish nation that He existed before Abraham, (the father of the Hebrew nation and religion), was ever born.

“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” John 8:58

Since Christianity is faith in Christ and His message, wouldn't that at least point to the fact that Christianity is no shoot from Judaism but is something that transcends Judaism?

Any thoughts?
Glutten for Punishment,
How did you come to the conclusion that there is no contemporaneous evidence for the existence of YHWH? What evidence do you have that suggests such a statement?
CHRISTIANITY, the oldest religion, obeys the: Word of God = Mind of God = Thoughts of God = Will of God = Image of God = Son of God = GOSPEL = CHRIST.
"Christ" was not Jesus' last name.
While there were Greeks and some Romans involved in early Christianity the movement was predominantly Jewish.
Christ is the FULFILLMENT of Jewish Law. Messianic Prophecy. So, yes.
when Jesus uses the words "I am" he's saying he is God (in the Holy Trinity). And we all know that God made the earth and everything in it, all the people in it, etc. so sure Jesus was saying God came before Abraham.

The etymology is that Judaism was first (probably not the first religion ever though) and Islam broke from Judaism. Then Catholicism from from Judaism. And then Christian/Protestant religions broke from Catholicism as well as well as some protestant religions starting up their own different than the basic beliefs. See Jesus was a Jew and he came to save the Jews but the Jews didn't believe so Catholicism was formed for the believers. Some Jews now realize they missed their chance and have formed "Jews for Jesus" which is a mixture of the practices of Catholicism and Judeasm.
yes technically Christianity is the fullest of all faiths in God from the beginning of time.
is Judaism born from the patriarchs? yes

in the times of the patriarchs, God spoke directly to the head of household and in the old covenant God spoke through His prophets and His LAW. with the new covenant everything has been revealed and the full plan of God has been established.
Christianity developed out of Judaism after Jesus was crucified.
Judaism is an Abrahamic religion, worshipping the one GOD.
Jesus was trying to explain that he was GOD incarnate.