did jesus christ teach the sola scriptura?

No and no.

Sola scriptura is a know-nothing approach to scripture. There are lots of wise writings by the Church Fathers. If the new kids on the block (the non-denoms and so on) didn't have this sola scriptura nonsense, they would have to consult the Church Fathers to at least some degree.

They are not articulate or wise or educated enough to do that, so they just say, "Only read the Bible, and that's all we care about."

They dismiss St. Augustine, John Chrysostom, Athaniasius, Origen, just to name a few of the big guys. That is the height of arrogance. They just are too lazy to read is all there is to it.

Here is the important thing these light-weights just don't get:

Scripture, as precious as it is, is only a sub-set of our Tradition. It cannot be properly and fully understood outside of a firm grasp of the broader spectrum of our Tradition. Space does not permit a full discussion of this matter, but sola scriptura is a barren view, hopelessly limited, cutting off all consideration of some of the most gifted minds of Western Civilization.

We do not worship or treat any of the tradition as infallible, but we study them and honor them and learn from them. Unfortunately, the know-nothing folks never will.
If Jesus existed, he would have received all the religious training given to Jewish males in his day, meaning he would have been very familiar with the importance of scriptural scholarship and commentary.
God gave us His Holy Word and it is in the Bible, that is EVERYTHING that we need to know- every area of our lives can be dealt with from this text. Why would God NOT put everything we need in there? Catholics have added tradition of men and it has led them into gross error and away from what God taught. THAT is why the CC had people flogging themselves to PROVE to God how much they loved Him, but the Bible says to respect and take care of your body and do NOT abuse it, for it is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The CC says we should confess our sins to a priest, but the Bible says that there is only ONE mediator between God and Man- NOT a priest, NOT Mary, there is only one and His name is JESUS!!! The Bible didn't say that Jesus is one of the ways to God, the Bible say that Jesus is THE ONLY way to God! The CC got into killing people for being a heretic (disagreeing with the Catholic Church), but the Bible NEVER condoned killing or murder, Jesus NEVER said- "Those people disagree with Me, let's kill them!" The Catholic Church, thanks to Martin Luther and the Protestant movement are no longer flogging themselves or killing people and there are a whole ton of other things that they still do in error that I don't have time or space to mention. One thing for sure, when the CC or ANYONE else goes outside of the Bible thinking the Pope's word is infallible and other such junk, they are asking for trouble and gross error! ALL of the Popes AND Mary were ordinary sinners just like you and I, and the Bible says that ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glorious ideal, including Mary, who was NOT sinless, and is NOT the Queen of Heaven. The CC teaching of the Immaculate Conception is a farce if you think about it. The CC says that Mary was born sinless so that she could give birth to Jesus, but if SHE was born sinless in order for Jesus to be born sinless, then Mary's parents (that's 3 sinless people) and her grandparents (that's 4 more, making 7 sinless people) would have to be born sinless also, and it would go back and back and back to generation after generation, so there would have had to be millions of sinless people for this false teaching of the CC to be true! Since Adam and Eve were sinful after the fall, when did the first sinless person come along so that Mary could be sinless? How did they become sinless since they too came from Adam's race? Jesus did not give Mary ANY special spiritual recognition. Jesus was teaching one day and the disciples came to Him and said, Jesus, your Mother and brothers and sisters are here to see you (yes, Jesus DID have step brothers and sisters- Mary was NOT the eternal virgin as the CC says! (Shock, shock, the Bible says that Mary was a virgin UNTIL Jesus was born!) and Jesus asked the disciples, "Who is my mother and my brothers and my sisters?" He pointed around and said, these who honor and obey My Father in Heaven are my mother and brothers and sisters. See what I am talking about? The CC is in so much error that it isn't funny and with all due respect, I do not know how anyone who studies the Bible can fall for their falsehoods.