Men went straight to the face and lingered awhile, but most of the women were more interested in the sexual activity. How much so depended on whether they were taking hormone-filled birth control pills.Those who were, Wallen said, were interested in the overall view of the photos and "background" items like jewelry, but women not on the pill were more interested in areas normally covered by clothing.
Being from the, er, un-attached quarters of the porn viewing public, we decided to submit this study's findings for corroboration to the rigorous Peer Review findings known as the "Buddy List."Findings: inconclusive. But you wouldn't be on here if you weren't looking for NUANCE, right?
ladyfriend1: man! i really need to get off the pill
ladyfriend1: actually no i don't, i'm deleteriously horny as it is
ladyfriend1: anyway. i think i totally stare at the genitals? the vaginas specifically? whenever i watch porn i start to suspect that i am a lez
ladyfriend1: cause the vaginas are like all i care about, i'm fascinated by 'em
Hmm. Liberated!
ladyfriend2: and yes, i'm on the pill
ladyfriend2: but i haven't watched porn in ages
jezepill: yeah well you've been missing out on some serious 'background' items.
jezepill: are you on the pill?
ladyfriend3: no
ladyfriend3: i go crazy
jezepill: ME TOO.
jezepill: the pill turns women into crazy bitches.
jezepill: cliches of women.
jezepill: have you ever watched porn while on the pill?
jezepill: no, because you don't have sex drive on the pill. if you are me you only desire to cry.
jezepill: there's a new study out and i think i'm going to do that thing where I try to corroborate detailed medical studies by IMing my friends
jezepill: so, "friend," women on the pill: better or worse at fucking?
jezepill: bc, according to this new study they are way worse at looking at porn
jezepill: when women on the pill watch porn they look at the details of the furnishings and the lighting and crap
manbuddy1: Worse. You don't have that risk of knocking them up. You miss that edge.
jezepill: you're sooooo trying to get in my pants!
jezepill: Ok. Women on pill. worse in bed? I'll tell you why in a min.
manbuddy2: no. because the fun of finishing inside, unprotected boosts their rating immediately.
manbuddy3: i agree with that completely
manbuddy3: doesn't surprise me at all
And finally, our eureka moment!
ladyfriend4: that's so odd
ladyfriend4: well, i'm definitely on the pill (or was, i'm 4 days late picking up my refill bc i really want to get inseminated) and i prefer full shots of the entire, uh, "scene."
ladyfriend4: i hate when the women are wearing jewelry and shoes and all that. take your fucking heels off, for god's sake.
Study: In Sexy Shots, Men Look At Faces First [USA Today]