did you study?

Que? Who cares how old he is. He still owns half of the people in this forum.

It is true, even though you are in about every single thread in this forum, doesn't make you cool. Just means that you haven't a life. Nobody likes you around here.
I studied the later half of sunday and from 9am-5am on monday for my bio test, studied from 8-10 last night and from 930am-5pm for my psy exam. Pretty sure I got at least a B on my bio exam and hopefully an A on my psy exam.

I feel drained by im going to start hitting the books again in about 30 minutes and start studying for what will probably be my hardest test, chem.

Once im done with that tomorrow, Ill start studying for precal. Once that is done, I fly back home on friday morning, collapse, and finally die.
I'm in H.S. and my midterms are next week. I have a shitload of packets that I have to do and I guess I could consider that studying.
I know you have a good team, but I think this season is about to start looking up for us. We obviously have the talent, hoefull owned lamareoux twice (you know lamareoux, that douche bag sioux goal tender that is defensive player of the year...), wheeler is just plain sick this year, okpo is getting back into his groove, carman is comming back soon. We have a lot of talent on the team, but just haven't been able to utilize it.
I hate studying and luckily I only had one exam to study for this semester. Two classes I had to write papers for and one class we get the lowest exam grade dropped and I had a 100 average, so I didn't need to take the final...lol, it was Beginning Italian I, so nothing to brag about. The one class that I actually had to study for, I spent about 4 hours and of course I waited until the morning of the test to study. I really needed at least another hour or so.
i studied for about 15 minutes. I got an 88 on one yesterday and tomorrow I have my last final. I probably only study for about 30 minutes for that one
i have finals next week im not sure if im going to study... i fucking hate gen ed classes soooooooo pointless
Easy finals though I'd imagine (if gen ed means like core classes). but im prolyl way wrong, lol

edit** im dropping out of college to become a professional wrestler and am gonna tag with Edge
they're probably easy but i have no motivation and never go to class... theres a few classes i dont know if ill pass i fucked up so bad this semester
Business Calc II studied from about 5:00PM to 4:00AM

Business Professionalism about an hour

History of Western Civilization about 1 1/2 hours

US History to 1877 about 2 hours

I have ISQS tomorrow (today) at 5:30. Haven't started studying for it yet but I'll probably study a couple hours for it.

Gotta love adderall.
where is the 10+ option?

Introduction to Engineering Analysis- 20 hours
Calc I- 10 ish
Physics- more than i can remember.... probably at the equivalent to 4 1/2 days..