Do ectomorph (genetically slim) men essentially need supplement in order...


New member
Sep 29, 2012
...bulkup through weightlifting? I mean, is it highly necessary for the ectomorph men to take protein or other types of supplement just to gain adequate muscle mass? Is just weightlifting not enough?
most importantly they need to eat more.. much more
so calories always have to be high
an they need to lift heavy.. an do less cardio
an yes supplements like whey protein, an creatine help
as well as glutamine supplement
A naturally slim individual should use a protein supplement to support muscle growth. Actually most individuals that want to gain muscle mass should use one. It is more important if you are slim. Along with that supplement should be a reasonable diet. Reduce your intake of fatty foods and drinks and sugar. Add fruits and veggies, lean meats and drink 1% or fat free milk. Coffee and tea are acceptable in moderate amounts. Try to replace a good percentage of the fluids you drink with water. You will need carbohydrates in an increased amount which is where the fruits come in. Eat 3 good meals a day. Eat until you are full but do not stuff. As you get into the second month of your workouts you might find your appetite increasing. A nutritious snack between meals during the day is ok such as a banana, apple, blue berries, strawberries. No late night snacks. If possible monitor your body fat percentage. This will help tell you if your are eating correctly. A very fit individual will have around 8 to 10% body fat. A few even less.