Do employers prefer employee complain to them or try to resolve problems on...


New member
Feb 6, 2009
...their own? I'm having an issue with a co-worker. I'm new at the job so I don't know if I should go straight to my boss or if that will make me look weak and instead try to handle it directly with the co-worker.
They prefer employees to solve problems and if they do bring the boss a problem, they also bring some possible solutions.
that's what your employer wants you to do if you have a problem bring it to the attention of your employer before it gets worse.
i think it depends on the problem. if it is something petty then try to solve it. employers don't like to be bothered with nonsense. but if its serious like something physical then report it b4 it get worse.
as we say in HR. try to handle it yourself are an adult in an adult environment.... you need to learn how to handle situations where there is conflict without having to report it to someone.. if it is not handled and you feel you have done everything you think you can do to solve the situation, THEN you may get help from a second party (your employer, HR)
It depends on the employer. If the employer is really open with his employees then you should talk to him about it. If you're working for a large corporation then I would deal with the problem and if it persists to the point that it is becoming a distraction, you should still go talk to your employer.