do people really think that all q's are meant to be serious?



I think it's hilarious some people can't read a question and relise it's about goofing off. so you serious answerers need to get a life. humor is what makes all this real......... keep on laughing and i'll keep on asking stupid q's
a star for you for being SMART!i dont care what people think about me saying this...i think idiots like the ones you described should die so they dont spread their stupid genes onto future generations
Some people just don't have a sense of humor anymore
totally man i ask stupid question all the timeIn fact i've asked all kinds of dumb questionsHeres one of the funniest- Most random;_ylt=AtY48GxrWMa2zM2jMHB_kC7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080319011344AASqWvaread it people responses are hilarious or Browse Through my questions because i ask really random ones so people responses are hilarious