Do we really need a film on the life of Jade Goody - and is this the right

I honestly thought you were joking until I saw the link, that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard for a long time. Rest in peace Jade, sorry your children have lost their mother, and you your life to that awful disease, that is truly sad,
But there is little to celebrate about the modern ignorant chavvy type that she represented. Shame on anyone that helps it to be made, or goes to see it, mugs!
Jade Goody was a fuc'kin pig, the chick they expect to portray her is akin to sticking lipstick on the Elephant man and making him a member of N'sync.
Oh dear God! Why can't they just let her go now? Do her little boys need to have a record of how dreadful her life was as a child? Do they really need to know what a repulsive and stupid woman their granny has been? Hopefully she just might have turned the corner now and be able to do more for them than she could have done for her own child. I hope the film is a raging flop!