Do you enjoy sarcastic humor?


Jun 4, 2008
I value your opinion. ( nudge,nudge.)
Grouchy? I never noticed.
( snicker,snicker.)
I absolutely love sarcastic humor -- Frank and I have based our 40-year marriage on that. I am serious. I really think that has helped us through the years of wondering what the hell we were doing -- lol.

For example, I addressed a thank you card to our veterinarian (for a problem we had with one of our dogs.) -- I gave it to Frank to sign it, and he said "how did you sign it?". I said "I signed it 'George'!" I mean how the heck did he think I signed it? He laughed, I laughed, and we went on with life.
If done well, I think sarcasm is hilarious. The master of sarcasm in my opinion was Chandler Bing, the character from the "Friends" TV show.
Subtle humor is funny, but cut to the heart, sarcastic humor is NOT funny, and it's usually meant (by the giver) to be mean-spirited and demeaning.
I also agree with Daisy, Don Rickles is an idiot.
(Spell check wants me to type "PRICKles". How appropriate AND funny.)
I like most forms of humor as long as it isn't crude. A little bit of sarcasm can be funny as long as it's not meant to hurt someone's feelings.
NOPE SPIKE you dont know me yet after two years????? whats nudge nudge? i think ur a troll i dont have any opinions about anything spike........... smiles.......... :) im grouchy all the time ...hey spike that was some sarcastic humor on additional details... LOL
oh yes, George Carlin comes to mind, and Jack Benny with Rochester, you may be to young for about the Smothers Brothers, they certainly had their moments.
I don't mind a bit of sarcastic humor as long as it is not making fun of people and causing hurt feelings. Otherwise, I have a good sense of humor.