do you laugh in awkward/silent situations?


Jun 20, 2008
Ok, so I was in school once and it was the minute silence for the 9/11, I was sat at a table with my 3 bestfriends. Once we start laughing we can't stop and we were talking about everything we were going to to not laugh during it.
Just to make it clear, we weren't laughing at anything to do with the 9/11, I have no idea why but we both started laughing (as quiet as possible).
Has this ever happened to you? Its SO embarrassing!
Yes I do laugh at awkward situations and sometimes people think I'm a bit of a dick for doing so but it's hard not to even if something is funny
Yep, I always laugh at really bad times or just as there is a moment's silence.
Once I start I genuinely can't stop unless I bite my tongue, then about 1/2 minutes later the thought that started it all will pop into my head again and I'll be off on a roll for a couple minutes haha.
Yes it has happend to me before. I remember I was in exams about 3 years ago and it was dead silent because everyone was doing there work obviously. Then out of know where I hear someone sneeze and I don't know why I found that funny but I just started cracking up.
yea man those are laugh attacks. not only embarrasing but it can cause you TROUBLE! i had one of those once in the middle of the night, like, 3am you know? i was laughing so hard (cant remember why though) and my dad came in my room and to punch my head. i couldn't stop laughing even while he was beating me lol.
that was fun.
I do that all the time it's so embarrassing I give me Dead silence in the classroom and Me and a lot of my friends make eye contact and we just like I couldn't stop laughing for like a long time it's just hilarious