Do you like modern technology? Are you looking forward to the future?


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I was watching this video called A Day Made of Glass and it shows a future where nearly everything is a touch screen, from bathroom mirrors to refrigerators and even your kitchen counter. I think it's really cool. I'm looking forward to the day where we have such things and also rely entirely on solar energy and other clean power sources. I love technology, I love the idea of a futuristic society but when I showed most of my family that video, they act like progress is something to be avoided. They seem to think that because we lived without those things in the past then why should we change? Mind you, these same people are dependent on electricity and certain appliances such as coffee pots and stoves and refrigerators but we survived in the past without them but my family still wouldn't be willing to give them up. But that concept seems to fly right over their heads. They believe anything they had growing up is good and whatever they come out with later is bad. But not me, I love the idea of a modernized society.

The video, in case you are interested (it is sooooo cool!)
Ive actually gave seen that video before, I think it's a really cool idea. But you kind of have to think about having to adjust, you know how grandparents dOnt understand the concept of cell phones and parents don't always get texting and iPads, well when we do have technOlogy like that we are going have to learn hOw to adjust as our parents and grandparents have had to
no, i'm like Merlin. the longer i live, the younger i get. therefore, i look forward to the past. i already know what is there as it is your history.