Do you like what you see [Bi & Lesbians, please ;D]?

Um. . hehe. I am not really one for long distance relationships or online dating, as I've been there before and it really didn't work out. . .but I am just wondering what you would think of me. :D And I am also just looking for friends, but still, would you say I am at least pretty? Would you be interested to be my friend or possibly date me or something? x'D

(the little munchkin in the background is one of my little brothers. n_n)

I am mostly known as Emi. (No ones calls me by my real name, and I don't like it anyway. . ) I am 15 right now, but my birthday is May 29th, so soon I'll be 16. x] I'm a lesbian and proud. <3

I am a gemini, year of the rooster and a blood type A.

Height: 5'1'' (sorry, I am short, aren't I? xD) and I dunno my weight at the moment, I checked like a few days ago and it said I am 106 pounds. That's not anorexically skinny or overweight. . I am healthy. :D

I live in the United States, in the Georgia area.

My hobbies consist of drawing, video editing, cosplaying (yes, I am an otaku x3). I love video games and hugs and cute things. I am very shy at first, but if you are patient and kind enough, I will easily warm up to you and I will talk about anything and everything. I'm kinda depressed, but I really try to not let it bother the people I care about and I try to make others happy. xD Um. . .I dunno what else to say about me. . .-n__n-
The blood type thing: Well, it is said that a person's blood type can also tell about someone's personality. I dunno. xD

I'm sorry, I look girly, don;t I? n.n;

I have cosplayed as Tifa from Final Fantasy 7, Konata from Lucky Star, Haruhi from The Melacholy of Haruhi Suzimiya, Yuna from Final Fantasy 10 and Currently I am cosplaying as Axel from Kingdom Hearts. (Looking for my Roxas, tee hee. . .)
@Djenne' : OMGYESHPLZ 8D <3 haha.
I couldn't read all of that. It made me feel creepy.
I don't think your blood type was really necessary, though I suppose it was your attempt at being clever/cute. I don't even know mine.

You're pretty.
You are so pretty! You are one of the prettiest lesbians I've ever seen! You're totally perfect!!!!! You seem like a nice person ^_^
I sure like what I see.. You're gorgeous.
And I'm in the Georgia area too =D
And I pretty much like anything you do.
Except for the video editing; I suck at that lol.
Maybe we could meet one day? ;)
You seem like you'd be a nice friend, but we don't have the same interests to be any more than that. (it's the video games that kinda did you in)
As totally, honestly, cool as you seem, I really don't think putting this information online is the right thing to do! But you're pretty, haha.
You're gorgeous hon, you don't need to worry about anything. Course I'm waay too old for you, but just thought you'd like some input. ^_^ Good for you, being out and proud, I wish I'd been as sure of myself at 15.

What do you cosplay as, just outa curiosity?

I've gotta agree on the name thing, I've stopped responding to my real name pretty much universally. : /

Well, ta~ hope you find someone