Do you name your vong

One of my friends has one. He calls it Hiro (as in Hiroshima)

...because it gets him bombed...:nofuckingdodgy:
He's probably rich as fuck. SniperSlayer, the next time one your $400 bongs gets dirty, just send it my way as a sort of charity.
anyone who spends money on a roor is a fool anyways. the only thing u are buying is the name. i could get a much better bong for half the price and hella thick glass, with some design, and being unquie.
that shit barley hit lol, he also just dropped a bowl of keif and didnt even care lol what a dip.
i like my zong more then a ROOR, i got a deffused down stem and a ash catcher for it also it has an ice cather its awsome, you dont even feel the smoke in your lungs, I tried it out last night the first time ive smoked in a long while =D.
I haven't smoked since my junior year of high school but when I did, my friend and I had one named Smokey the Waterbongler and another named Little Jerry Seinfeld.

Edit: We had a small, purple acrylic that we called the Purple People Eater.
Just bought a bowl and named it little jerry seinfeld :tup:

also, got a 3foot that I call big blue, just so I can say your my boy blue

if u got a real zong thats tight. my friend got a baby one and its not bad for being a little baby. but my little $35 glass on glass sliding bong hits like a champ. with some cold water and ice u can bearly feel the hits.

i got a friend with a PHX and that shit is called the assassin for a reason. its got a diffuser and a periculator(sp)