Do you or a family member have a unique laugh?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Is there someone that their laugh is a give away of them. I love thinking about peoples laughs and how they sound.
Yeah, my Cousin...I just can't help but laugh when she laughs. We sounded like a bunch of idiots in the ladies room one day. I went to reach for the toilet paper and the Whole Plastic Roll that held it, fell off the wall with a BANG. LOL Everything was all quiet in the bathroom, and she started laughing and I went nuts, and we sounded like two hyenas...It was too funny...
My sister, who lives in Germany, has an infectious laugh. Recently though, she hasn't laughed as much. Her husband is going through his second bout of cancer, and it has spread. I was talking to her the other day and I somehow managed to make her laugh. She said, "Oh, Mary, I wish you were here. You have a way with you that makes me laugh." She then said that she felt guilty laughing in a time as this. I told her that it was okay and that she can be strengthened at the same time to go through what she is experiencing. Oftentimes we are in a time when laughter has run out, and it is only when we can laugh that a renewed vigor and strength comes in. I pity the man/woman who cannot laugh.