DO you take Spike Lee's "dramas" ("Do the Right Thing," "Jungle Fever")


New member
Jan 7, 2011
DO you take Spike Lee's "dramas" ("Do the Right Thing," "Jungle Fever")

seriously, or do you laugh at them? I honestly can't take them seriously. XD
I just fucking laugh.
And even more pathetic (hehehe LMFAO XD) is when he puts the supposedly serious music over the race bullshit scenes. XD
Spike Lee is too much.
I can't watch his movies, not so much because they're bad, but if I watch them, I'll laugh so hard at the stupidity of his movies that they'll need an ambulance.
I saw Do the Right Thing there was a lot of racial bias but that one part when every race was talking about another one was funny.
Then don't watch them. Damn dude, what do you have against Spike Lee?
He's being productive than you and making more money at this moment while you're sitting
there bashing him!
The theme of "Jungle Fever" might be a bit of a generalization, but it's been true in cases that I've seen. For some reason, most Italians that I know find the idea of interracial marriage a bit repulsive.
Some of it is funny..not all of it...Spike uses a kind of irony in his screen plays
"Do the Right Thing" had some funny parts, and I really enjoyed the movie, but if you think that he portrays, "race bullsh*t scenes," then you don't know the world. Things are better now than when that movie was made, but not a whole lot in many places. I'm happy that you live in a sheltered enough life where you don't see racism, but you have to learn to think outside of your little social-ecosystem.