Do you think celebs such as Miley Cyrus or Hilary Duff will...?

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end up like Britney Spears or Amy Winehouse? Do you believe the celebrities who may be good and innocent right now will be all trashy and have drug problems?
hilary duff definitely won't. i can't see her ending up like that at all. but i can TOTALLY see miley cyrus ending up like britney spears. she's so annoying and she tries WAY too hard.
They might, Brit looked all sweet and innocent at 15 too. I hope they turn into strong women though.
britney isn't that trashy. actually, she's not bad at all compared to other celebrities.
Who said they are good and innocent? It's all manufactured image. And no, they don't necessarily turn out bad.
Well Miley's latest news flash with her exposing herself was kinda indecent, but Hilary a little older and hasn't done a 'Britney' -yet. I'm not sure on Miley, but I think that Hilary won't end up like Britney.
I definitely think Miley Cyrus will end up like Britney spears or Amy Winehouse, the fame is getting to her head. She's supposed to be a role model for young girls and she's out there acting like she's grown taking racey pictures of herself and putting them on the internet and dressing/putting on makeup like she's a grown women.By the time she's 18 she'll be on the first train to trashville. On the other hand Hilary is fine, she has not been in the tabloids for doing anything skanky, she seems like she has issues like a lot of the other female celebrities regarding her weight, but other than that she has her life and career on track and she wont end up an addict like Amy or crazy like Britney.But that's just my opinion, who knows what others might think of her. : )
hilary duff is a good girl..i never seen any bad pictures of her that leaked on the internet..nothing. on the other miley is only 15 and she had so many times with leaked picture...she probably end up like amy
well let me think... hilary duff got through her hard times with an eating disorder. She hasnt been in the spot light much since then. But i definatly think that Miley Cyrus will end up- well MESSED up. She already has some dirty photos of her on the internet and definatly is trashy. She is in the spot light tooo much and I think- just like Britney,- it's gonna get to her one of these days.
No. People change over time, so ANYTHING could happen. Miley might find the cure for cancer for all we know or turn into a whore as you suggested. So yeah.
no way miley cyrus will!!!!!!
her dads too awesome. he's super involved with her and she's too family oriented and rounded to go off the rails like that
uptheduffster on the other hand shows way higher potential to go off the rails - she's already had bulimic accusations etc and she's looking worse and worse by the day all gaunt, dark rings under her eyes etc.

don't mess with billy's kids.
I don't want to sterotype anyone, so I won't say.
However, I do hope that neither of them turn out that way.