Do you think Hillary make a honest misspoke?

OH COME ON! When you say something over and over again, as she did with the Bosnia episode, you are not making a small mistake. I am 76 and I have some memory lapses, sometimes, but have NEVER made a "tiny little mistake" like that. Now the" saving Ireland", remark. Dishonesty seems to run in the Clinton family, and its showing its ugly face now, just in time. It is dishonesty and gross exaggeration. She is trying to give the voters the wrong impression of her being this "hero" figure. I feel sorry for the lady, she is showing her true colors, and she must be very afraid, to go to such extremes.
Yes I do. I can't remember what I did 10 minutes ago, let alone 10 years!The level of vitriol levelled at both candidates is appalling.
I think it was honest. I believe she lied. An honest lie.If you have never every been in a sniper fire environment, why would you have a memory of being in one.I never went water skiing. So if I told a story of me water skiing in Bosnia 12 years ago would I be a liar? I think so.I would believe Hillary Clinton made a honest misspoke if she in fact was in a sniper fire environment and just mixed up the location. But she was never in a sniper fire environment.
in 1997, around that time, i was in a bad storm in a little cessnait's the kind of experience that really makes a mark on your memorythere is a word for someone who'd mention such an experience if it hadnt happened'liar'
Yeah we do all tend to forget some lesser issues but i'd sure as hell remember whether there was sniper fire or not!!!!! so NO i don't think she MIS remembered at all.
ROFL!! You REMEMBER correctly if you're being attacked by SNIPER fire, LMAO!!You just don't forget something like that. Shrills has always been a liar though anyway, claiming she didn't back NAFTA when her name's all over NAFTA and she just made another tasty deal with TATA of India drawing them into Buffalo, NY.What a lying sack of crap she is. When you're being shot at, YOU DON'T FORGET THIS SORT OF THING. She just lied to embellish her resume and she didn't even need to do it.Those that say she doesn't lie are liars themselves and it's easy to see why Shrillary attracts liars as her supporters. Rotten to the gut; down to the core.Obama for Refreshing Change 2008!
She honestly misspoke?!?!?! She has lost touch with reality in her Messianic vision that only she can save America. Every time she tells this story it becomes more embellished.Aside from the fact Hillary was not dodging sniper fire on the tarmac in Bosnia, here's something for a reality check. Hillary claims it was too dangerous to President Bill to go to Bosnia , so he decides to send his wife and daughter to get shot at? Someone explain the logic behind that? (no jokes about getting her out of the way before Monica) That is supposed to equate into foreign policy experience?Hillary claims to be the most qualified person to answer the phone in the White House at 3a.m. God help us all.
She made a fool out of herself by lying and then made a bigger fool of herself by trying to cover up the lie. She says she doesn't remember. She says she was sleep deprived. And on and on and on. She has a long history of lying when the truth would have worked even better. This is why she should never be allowed near a red phone ringing at 3:00 AM. Never.