Do you think Hollywood uses athiest propaganda to try and manipulate us...


New member
Aug 28, 2008
...Christians to give up God? I dont want to watch all the movies that come from Hollywood anymore. It is clear there is an agenda there. Most of the movies seem to be mocking God or also seem to include so many immoral things like premarital sex and gays these days. Do you also feel like there is an agenda against Christians?
ARE YOU INSANE!!!! have you not seen films like narnia, which has a clear christian message. if there was an agenda against its about bloody time. for far too long you have had your way "because god said so" you get control of government, get privileged positions, and attempt to oppress scientific teachings by preventing fundamental laws such as evolution being taught in schools. all i can say is I'm glad i live in a county where religion has taken a bit of a back seat. but i dont understand why you all claim some agenda when an atheist os not even considered as partiotic, and not allowed to run for president (or indeed PM in the UK)
I think it more of a mocking of morals than of God... art reflects life whether we like it or not... not an agenda against Christians, but more like a lack of common decency... I think we are going through a time of growing up where being able to do what you want seems like a good idea at the time, but as maturity sets in it won't look so pretty...
You are correct. Hollywood has sold its' soul to the devil. The devil will work on destroying our children through anti-God movies coming out of Hollywood. Smart parents will protect their children by refusing to allow such movies to enter their homes to influence their young children. It's getting harder to do but must be done.
Yes, We are living in the end times. I have seen so much mocking of Jesus. The Bible told us it would be that way. It is only going to get worse. The rapture is coming soon. Be ready. Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. The Christians that are not ready and are left behind will definitely be persecuted and killed just like the Bible says. There is definitely an air of hatred forming.
oh dear, you do have a persecution complex, don't you!

There's no agenda. Films, in general, mirror society. If anything, Hollywood films still tend to have a simplistic moral outcome - the bad guy still gets it, the good guy still marries the girl.

I can't think of a film in the last 20 years that 'mocked god'. There have been plenty to put the christian agenda though - from Bruce Almighty to The Passion of the Christ. The last slightly risqué religious film I can think of was Life of Brian - and that wasn't anti-god either.

I also find it interesting that you choose sex (which is wonderful) and homosexuality (which is fine, and perfectly legal) as examples of immorality, but not violence, murder, rape, or war.

You sure have your priorities on crooked!