Do you think in the future technology will be able to use the energy that is


Active member
May 11, 2008
trapped in the earths atmosphere? Do you think in the future technology will be able to use the energy that is trapped in the earths atmosphere and sort of digest it?
to break it down and thus removing the global warming affects? Can we make technology so detailed that it starts living haha
i just want to let all of you know i know barely an atoms worth about science. I thought that burning up the green house gases would be a good thing. I obviously need my bio 100 classhaha. Thanks for all of your intellectual thoughts about my question!
i just want to let all of you know i know barely an atoms worth about science. I thought that burning up the green house gases would be a good thing. I obviously need my bio 100 classhaha. Thanks for all of your intellectual thoughts about my question!
Yes, I think so. I haven't the foggiest idea how, but there is a lot of energy there to be tapped.

Consider this. just global warming - just the amount of extra energy that is trapped by CO2 put in the air by humans - is 50 times the amount of energy produced by all the power plants in the world. That is a stunning thought; in the course of creating energy we add CO2 to the atmosphere that causes 50x that energy to hit the earth's surface. Currently that is a bad thing but if we knew how to harness that energy it could become a source for unlimited cheap energy.

If I knew how to harness that energy, I'd own the world already. But I do believe that the atmosphere itself will be a source of energy in future generations.
Well they already have solar cells. I'm sure those could eventually be adapted to convert different frequencies of energy, besides light waves, into usable energy. They have have IR energy generators on the market now.

As these types of technologies become more proven, cheaper, and more widespread many of them may be powering your day to day electronic devices. Of course there still needs to be adequate outside energy input as, I'm sure, that captured energy would eventually degrade to be unusable but it would allow another alternative to the burning of fossil fuels for energy production.
Geez...I hope not, because look at all the damage that has been done to the earth by unleashing the energy that is BELOW the earth's atmosphere. Heelllo, didn't you read the name of this section of YA. If we burn the energy in our atmoshere it will like, make the moon hot or worse make the sun hot. REEAALLY!