Do you think porn should be banned from the internet?

Of course it shouldn't be. Isn't the Internet supposed to be free speech? What would be the point in banning it anyway? Do you think teenage boys who want it won't find it(I'm sure teenage girls can find it now as well but I'm from a time when it was the teenage guys who people know wanted it)? Come on when I was a kid there was no internet, or it was starting at best and barely anyone had it. Anyway the people who wanted porn found it anyway. Even if you couldn't find the porn you could look at underwear ads. My point is there is no reason to take if offline.
What I wish they would crack down on is kiddie like porn. I think the porn industry perpetuates having sex with "young" woman, 16-19 age range. I find that repulsive that men old enough to be their fathers and grandfathers are watching such things.
they should fine them because it is inapropreit and little kids can get into it want to do it and if ther parents found out it would go to the publik and they should fine the makers of the video.
No. Porn is perfectly fine when made by consenting adults FOR other consenting adults.

Kids need to be monitored on the internet. If their parents don't want to monitor them, then that's their problem. They don't have the right to say that consenting adults can not watch it because they don't want to be bothered monitoring their kids internet use.
That is a "virtual" impossibility.

When my library started to offer public access, the IT people went nuts trying to block the adult sites---to no avail. None of the blocking software can keep out every reference, so it was an exercise in futility. And there are websites from all over the world---in places where the US authorities have no jurisdiction.

The point is making individuals responsible for their own behavior...not trying to make :Big Brother make them behave.
Hell no it shouldn't. Adults already have TV censored in case the little kiddies happen to stop on a channel that their absentee parents let them watch. I am not defending porn so much as the freedom for people to be able to look at it. (Obviously I am not including child porn, etc, which SHOULD be illegal because it exploits minors.)
NO...Porn in my view is a good thing cause it helps desperate people relieve themselves so they dont have to commit rape or red-rum.