Do you think Sarah Palin is looking out for her future due to the bleak outlook for


New member
Jun 5, 2008
the Republican Party? he "rogue diva'' of the McCain campaign is starting to look out for her own future now that the Republican presidential nominee's prospects are in doubt. Or, as the New York Post puts it:
"Sarah Palin is the rogue elephant in the GOP war room.''

The paper suggests "the maverick mom is distancing herself from John McCain and blowing off the advice of senior Republican aides, convinced they're damaging her reputation and ruining the campaign. Things have gotten so tense between Palin and her traveling staff, an insider said, that she's overruling their advice - which was evident last week when she ignored GOP aides piling into waiting cars at a Colorado event and strolled over to the press corps for an impromptu talk.''