Do you think the GOP will be as nice to Obama as Hillary's camp has been?



Obama's camp claims that Hillary's camp is giving ammo to the GOP to fight him later and that it is hurting his chance in the general election.However that is absolute nonsense and dumb. The GOP knows everything Hillary's camp knows about Obama. The reality is that Hillary has been extremely civil and nice to Obama so far. The GOP attack machine does not care about negative press just as long as it gets press.Look at 2004 and John Kerry. Kerry a decorated war hero lost to Bush because the GOP machine was able to spin stories about Kerry that hurt him. The stories were not even true and dispelled by many others later.This time the GOP is sitting quietly because it knows it has so many goods on Obama that when they finish with him, no one will want to vote for him, not even his most hardened supporters.They have the goods on Obama's Rezko criminal friend, church that hates America and blames it for 9/11, insider trading with pharma companies, voting 6 times for anti-Democratic measures, using his senate office to advance his wife's job, lying in every debate.And so on and so on and so on. I can name dozens of things that would prove Obama is totally unelectable and I am an average person with limited access to the know in the political realm. What happens when the GOP machine reveals an incredible amount that Obama's people did not know about?And you think it is bad now? If Obama gets the nomination and the GOP starts on him, you are going to think Hillary was an angel to him compared.I have already heard rumors about what the GOP has in store and believe me, it is very damaging. Stuff Hillary hasnt even dared to mention.Everyone knows Hillary's record. They know her strengths and her pitfalls. You may not like her but she can beat McCain. Obama has no chance. Hillary has fought the GOP machine numerous times and knows what she is up against. Are you willing to give up the presidency to the Republicans for another four years just to have Obama as your nominee?
Maureen Dowd gave some interesting perspective on this in the NYTimes today.
fortunately all this will be old news and all the BS McCain has in his closet will the current eventscant wait!!!woo hoo!!Obama '08!!
Of course they are just waiting to pounce on Obama. That is what they do and they do it well. Ask Newt Gingrich, he was the mastermind behind the most effective ways to get Republicans into office.
Hog legs Clinton doesn't have a chance of beating McCain or anyone else they could have put up. She's a sleazy liar with a history of being a cheat. Very devisive broad who can only get the votes of old ladies and the uneducated.
Check this site out.'m sure McCain has a laundry list on Obama 5 times as long as this.
Well said. I think Hillary's campaign has been more than civil, considering the victimized and haughty stance of Obama and his strategists. the negative media spin has been relentless on Hillary. People tend to dislike or be perhaps envious of her for their own reasons. I'll take her work ethic evidenced by voting record, capacity to take a stand on TOUGH, unsexy votes, and willingness to actually hold meetings while running for President since she is the Chairperson of a Subcommittee. Meanwhile, Obama's attendance, safe/very liberal voting record and ZERO meetings held since he is Chairman of an Important subcommittee that addresses relations with a much needed ally iln Western Europe and NATO. Hillary 08
They have the evidence of Obama in Church with his family at the GOD DAMN AMERICA speech! clapping and nodding his head!!
I think you are mistaken.Nobody is better than the Clintons in exposing the weaknesses and backgrounds of their opposition. And since Hillary has been losing, she taken the "Tonya Harding" approach to the campaign and has attempted to knee cap Obama with everything she has.I doubt there is anything left for the GOP to seize on at this point. I expect to hear nothing but "Jeremiah Wright" for 4 to 6 months from the GOP, once Obama takes the nomination.Remember it was the Clintons who:-Exposed the fact that Rudy Giuliani was using taxpayer funds to shuttle his mistress around and then hiding the expenses in various City departments-Exposed the Mike Huckabee pardon as gov. of Arkansas of the rapist of Bill Clinton's cousin-Gave the Wright DVDs to the press to expose Obama
You've seen this game before haven't you? Folks don't seem to realize they have folks waiting in jail to testify in cases that name him witness. Do ya think they'd turn on him to save their own a$$? The better question is, how fast? Lets see, witness protection or maybe a pardon? My Daddy always told me "when yer a$$ is on the line, the smart bet is on the sure thing". I bet they heard that from their Dads too.
I really wish people would look at the facts and the character of the person running for office and not surround yourself with the negativity and bullshit the GOP party spews. Hillary would make a great president, but she would change the face of politics the way oObama would. Also, by voting in a GOP candidate for president, you would America in the same boat with i 70+ year old in charge of country facing many problems.Voting GOP would give people all of the same things we got from Bush's 8 years in office. So just ask yourself, is that what you want?
Hillary is in the unenviable position of being denounced as either a racist or a b**ch if she makes these observations. If it is somehow racially offensive to offer an observation about history (e.g., Dr. King had a dream and it took political leadership to sign the Voting Rights Act), what CAN one say? If it is "racist" to note that an African-American candidate will do well with African-American voters, what CAN one say? What is offensive about saying that Jesse Jackson also did well in 1980 and 1984 in South Carolina? That's a statistical fact. Is the deal that Obama is a "real" candidate and Jesse Jackson was not? That's not how I remember things. In all of these trivial--nay, innocuous matters, the Obama campaign discovered "racism" and pointed that allegation like a covert laser beam through the media at the Clintons. Now, true racism emerges, along with some nice anti-Semitic overtones that will not endear Mr. Obama to a lot of necessary voters come November, but he's going to get a pass until the nominating process is over. Obama very sucessfully inoculated against race by discovering it in remarks where it did not exist, to make it impossible to use true racism on his side of the equation against him in an intraparty contest. This strategy will win him the nomination in all likelihood, but the American people will see the endless loop in the film of 527s when the Republicans get hold of him.
I agree Obama doesn't have a clue about exactly how vicious the Republican Party Crap Mining Company can actually be to those who would dare impede their path to power.For all their claims to being morally superior to the Democrats the Republicans hold nothing sacred when it comes to getting what they wantAny Party that would impeach the President of The United States and demean the Office of the Presidency itself simply because the President got a bj from a willing intern ,would take a look at Obama's only hole card [the fear of being called a racist if you insult him ] and laugh at it and then proceed to get nasty about things.The one HUGE advantage that Hillary has over Obama is that she has proven time and time again that she can not only stand up to whatever the RPCMC can dump on her but she can survive it and live to fight another day I think that if Obama does get the nomination by the time that the RPCMC gets done with him he's gonna give Hillary a call and say "Babe I wish you were here instead " -and honestly mean it