Do you think the gov is after Toyota to prevent them from introducing the electric


New member
Feb 27, 2010
car? About 8 years ago GM had introduced the electric car - required no oil, gas, maintenance other than checking the tire pressure of the car for the life of the car. The oil company lobbies forced the gov to recall every single electric car, they were destroyed in landfills despite protest from the owners who were threatened to go to jail if they resisted their car being towed away and destroyed. The efficient battery was pattented and under lock and key so the technology was literally burried.

In January 2010 Toyota announced they had invented their own electric car, even more efficient than the one introduced by GM, and it wouldn't cost a fortune like GM's, they were planning on announcing the price later this year but said it would be under 30K.

A few weeks later the gov started recalling Toyota cars and ruining their reputation and sales. Every car has things that malfunction. 1 in a million of Toyota cars has speed accelerator probs, much lower than Gm and other brands problems.

Witch hunt? hmmmm
Also the incident on the freeway looked fake. How could it suddenly stop when a police car pulled in front of the driver? How did it go 94 mph on the freeway for half an hour without crashing into anybody? And more non-prius models have the problem but they only publicize the prius so you associate a high tech car with the issue when the accelerator is the same in all Toyotas.
Yes, It's weird (well not really) that congress & all these gov people are drilling Toyota big time for this, yet they gave 700 Billion dollars to those screw up economic people. And yes they're probably trying to steal Toyota's secret to their awesome cars simply said it's not like Toyota cars are the only one's that get into Car accidents or have complaints.
Its a big scam, there has been cars that run on water, veg. oil, nat. gas, and the Govt. has got rid of them cause the world runs on oil money.
Some Congressmen sound like they are out on a witch hunt but the problem is a serious safety issue that needs to be addressed and seemingly has no easy solution as it is very difficult to replicate.

With the amount of electronics running cars today we have new issues that we will be experiencing. I personally feel all cars built with electronic throttle, cruise, or any of those other systems need to have an manual override kill-switch. While user error is still by far the number one cause of accidents, we still need to be reminded that technology can also fail.
Yes, and after they're done with Toyota they'll be going after you.

The original recall was issued back in September for "floor mats", it didn't solve their problem. GM also recalled a million + cars, steering issues.