Do your split personalities ever argue with each other?

I think you need to get some better quality weed. Don't buy the cheap sh*t.
When you have difference of opinions within yourself,its bound to happen.The best way to get them along would be to objectively think about it ,weigh the pros and cons and form a single conclusion based on your difference in opinions....its takes practice and patience and courage as well
The me and other me never get along because she always tells me what a silly b!tch i am to let people walk over me the way i do and i tend to agree but never do as she tells me.
I don't think we will ever get along because she hates my niceness and i hate her bossiness.
You may need to tell us more about each personality for us to better help you. Which one is asking this? What are they like? Etc, etc.

Personally, I recommend convincing each other that sleep is more important for both. You could also try and get large amounts of exercise during the day, so that you are to tired to mentally argue at night.