Dodgy Day at my school


New member
Apr 21, 2008
I understand its a little far away, but i need more idea's. Last year, I got dodgy to be a pretty big icon in my grade, and almost everyone knows what it is. Ive vandalized chalkboards/whiteboards in every class, so its pretty well known. A group of my friends and a bunch of others, are planning to hold a Dodgy Day at my school, on May 16th. Random date, but if we get things ready, planned, what not, it might be earlier. So far, the plan is:

1]Every color dodgy stickers. Slap em on lockers, chuck em over the floor, inside stalls, above urinals, etc.
2]Whoever is involved is wearing a dodgy shirt. We're trying to make every color possible, with a dodgy on the front and back.
3]Photo copying a dodgy poster on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. i mean, like a thousand copies. All over the walls, floor, inside lockers, classrooms, EVERYWHERE.

I have a good group thats supporting me with this, I understand its completely random, but i need some fun.

My question to you is,
any other ideas on what I can do that wont get me into too much crap?

tl;dr - Official Dodgy Day at my school, i need ideas on what i can do. :dodgy:
dudee thats so extreeeeeeeeeme!

your definatly gonna get a gf after doing this go for it and take lots of pics of your principal lubing ur arse and reeming u with his T-Square..

yes all teachers have t-squares its a known fact.. :maybedodgy:
wow people are gonna think your so funny. i bet you get mad babes / popularity points for this one. grow up
you want epic do this. If you can get to your teacher's copy machine tape a small dodgy to the glass so every paper in the whole school copied will have a dodgy in the corner.