does anybody have millsberry trophies for sale?

any1 got a good yard sale trophies about 2000-3000 or summit
trophies for sale

Hi i got 2 trophies (bumper boats and sudoku) for 50,000 mb any1 buy plz plz plz
my user name is areej 1 selling 1 save the honey trophie for 70,000
i have trophies for under 10000 millsbuck ok i got like 4 of everything i mean everythin please go and check my ys my usernam is jacobym52

send me a greeing card if u are selling trophies username: finkuse thnx
Uber cheap yard sale!

I sell uber cheap trophies on Millsberry. I only have two Kai trophies up right now for only 5000 MB's but don't worry I'll have more up later!! I'm still working on it! You might want to hurry before some one else buys the trophies, but I'll restock anyways!

My username is kuljeet99

i realy need some CHEAP trophys send me greeting card at abby_11600